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Important components in 1 capsule
Pollen Extract  (73 Milligrams 
Cernitin 60  (70 Milligrams 
Cernitin GBX  (3 Milligrams 
Cernitin, a natural remedy derived from pollen extracts, helps to manage the troublesome symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia
VOLUMZE helps to :
* Organize free radicals which are unstable atoms and play a dual role as both toxic and beneficial compounds, since they can be either harmful or helpful to the body. When an overload of free radicals cannot gradually be destroyed, their accumulation in the body generates a phenomenon called oxidative stress. This process plays a major part in the development of chronic and degenerative illness such as cancer, autoimmune disorders, aging, cataract, rheumatoid arthritis, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases.
* Clear the body's retired cells slows aging and boost Human Growth Hormone 
* Lower heart disease risk
* Improve fertility for both men and women and deal with prostate problems
* Prevent or delay nerve damage (diabetic neuropathy)…